Friday, December 26, 2008


as a child i was confident i could tell the difference between a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
in which the peanut butter and jam had been spread onto opposite sides of the bread and one where they had been spread onto the same side. you see it just doesn't taste as good if you spread them onto the same side.


How do you do it?


Erika said...

Ew, one side each please. Are you kidding me with the same-side business? No way.

Claire said...

Your Mama always separated the sides. No mooshed pnut butter in my house, unless of course your dad makes it.

Small Boat Sails into Big Mystery said...

first i apply butter or margarine to the toast, followed by a layer of peanut butter upon which is spread a thick smear of plain (or vanilla) yogurt. This is then lightly sprinkled with brown sugar and covered with banana slices. Eat and enjoy with fair trade coffee

Swoops said...

Separate sides, of course. Sometimes I don't even put them together.

Small Boat Sails into Big Mystery said...

This sandwich is getting really stale!